03 October 2008


Okay, so i am pretty hot about the debates last night. I really can't even articulate why, not entirely. I had a professor tell me once that if you can't articulate it, you don't really know it. So essentially that means that I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about. I can come to terms with that. But I do know what I'm feeling. I'm feeling that Sarah Palin is absolutely delusional. She can't make connections that would make me believe that she really understands what it would take to make differences. At one point, when both her and Biden were given the opportunity to come forward with mistakes they may have learned from in their roles. Biden showed humility and gave an example of the learning curve of any job. And Palin, couldn't think of anything she would have done differently or learned from her experiences. Even though I don't know how, at this moment, to articulate everything that's fucked with that...there certainly is something wrong with that type of mentality. Otherwise, she hasn't had enough experience to have one of those moments where you can actually see that your way of thinking may not be the best. That's just one of the things that bothered me about that debate.
Maybe I should just stick with being opinionated about what I know. I certainly don't understand politics. I just know that I can tell when people know what the fuck they're talking about and Sarah Palin doesn't. I think that she thinks she does. I think she truly believes in what she's doing.

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